Jedcorene for the treatment of stones in the kidneys and ureters and urinary tract infections and relieve pain resulting from them and burning urine and antiseptic for the urethra, Contains botanicals Halfa Bar extract (Halphabarol), Hexamine, and Piperazine citrate; We will learn together, God willing, via the suydaly pharmacist website, the dose, method of use, indications for use and contraindications, so follow us.jedcorene for the treatment of kidney and ureter stones and urinary tract infections
Jedcorene effervescent ingredients
Each sachet of Jedcorene effervescent medicine contains the following active ingredients:
Khellin 1.5 mg.
Hexamine 475 mg.
Piperazine citrate 150 mg.
What is Jedcorene effervescent?
Effervescent Jedcorene is an effective drug in the treatment of some pathological conditions related to the urinary tract, such as: getting rid of infections that affect the urinary system, treating infections of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder, getting rid of kidney and urethral stones, and the drug is available in the form of tablets and effervescents.Jedcorene suydaly pharmacist
Suydaly Pharmaceutical Jedcorene medicine comes in two forms, Jedcorene tablets and Jedcorene effervescent contains the following ingredients and active substances:Khellin: It is a natural element that extends the smooth muscles in the urinary tract. It helps to dilate the ureters, which helps to expel stones from the ureter to the outside with the urine. It helps relieve muscle contractions associated with urinary disorders. It also relieves renal and hepatic pain. It also relieves colic. renal.
It is used to treat a variety of diseases: renal colic, kidney stones, coronary artery disease, bronchial asthma, vitiligo, and psoriasis.
Hexamine: It is a substance used to clean and disinfect the urinary tract and eliminate bacteria that infect the urinary system through its slow hydrolysis into formaldehyde, which acts as a strong antidote to many bacteria that cause urinary tract infections.Piperazine: A substance that contributes to preventing the deposition of salts and thus facilitates their disposal in a healthy manner. It dissolves uric acid and urate salts and prevents their deposition, which prevents the formation of stones in the kidneys and ureters.
The reasons for using Jedcorene effervescent
Indications for the use of effervescent Jedcorene as follows:- Treatment of infections affecting the urinary and reproductive system, kidneys, ureters and bladder.
- Treating urinary tract muscle spasms.
- Treatment of high levels of salts in the body.
- Getting rid of kidney and ureter stones.
- Disinfection and cleaning of the urethra.
- Prevention of kidney stones.
- Prevention of recurrent urinary tract infection.
- Dissolving uric acid crystals and urate salts.
Side effects of Jedcorene effervescent
The use of Jedcorene effervescent may lead to some symptoms and side effects, which differ from one patient to another, and the most common of these symptoms among patients:- Nausea and vomiting.
- Indigestion.
- burning sensation in the stomach.
- itching
- Skin rash, redness and irritation.
Jedcorene contraindications
There are some cases in which you must follow the instructions for contraindications to the use of Jedcorene in order not to cause risks, and the most prominent of these cases:- Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
- There is a defect in the functions of the liver.
- Kidney disorder patients.
- During pregnancy and breastfeeding without consulting a doctor.
Does Jedcorene treat kidney stones?
Yes, Jedcorene treats kidney stones, through its powerful active substances that help get rid of kidney and ureter stones. Jedcorene contains the substance proxadiol, or what is known as Halfa bar (Halphabarol), which helps in dilating the ureteral canals and thus facilitates the exit of stones from the body.But you must follow the doctor's instructions and drink plenty of water.
Is Jedcorene antiseptic for the urethra?
Yes, Jedcorene is an antiseptic for the urethra. Because it contains hexamine, which is used to cleanse the urethra of bacteria or any infection that may affect it.Is Jedcorene used to treat bladder infections?
Yes, Jedcorene is used to treat infections of the bladder and works to purify it from any infection that may affect the urinary system.Dosage of Jedcorene Tablets
You must follow the doctor's instructions when using the dose of Jedcorene tablets, and unless the doctor prescribes otherwise, then:The dose of Jedcorene Tablets for adults is to take one tablet every 12 hours.
Jedcorene effervescent dose
You must follow the doctor's instructions when using the dose of Jedcorene Effervescent, and unless the doctor prescribes otherwise, then:The dose of Jedcorene effervescent is 2 teaspoonful in 1/2 cup of water 3 times daily after eating.
Jedcorene tablets before or after eating
Jedcorene tablets are used after eating until it achieves the desired benefit, which is to get rid of excess salts in the body, treat infections in the urinary system, and get rid of kidney and ureter stones.Jedcorene Effervescent How to use
How to use Jedcorene Effervescent is as follows:- You should bring 1/2 cup of water, preferably a glass cup, and filtered water.
- Put a sachet of Jedcorene into the water.
- Stir the bubbler in the water until completely dissolved.
- Drink the effervescent immediately, 3 times a day.
When does the Jedcorene effervescent effect appear?
The effervescent effect of Jedcorene begins from the beginning of its intake, but the effervescent effect of Jedcorene appears in the final recovery, which may reach two weeks, so it is preferable to follow the doctor’s instructions according to each disease so that recovery takes place as quickly as possible.Pharmacological interventions with Jedcorene
You must consult a doctor before taking Jedcorene to avoid drug interactions with Jedcorene, as it has been scientifically provenThe interaction of Jedcorene tablets and effervescent with antibiotics that contain sulfa compounds such as sulfamethazole and sulfathiazole may lead to the appearance of deposits in the urinary tract.
Jedcorene analgesic
Jedcorene is used as an analgesic for some pains resulting from acute gout, and the mechanism of action of Jedcorene in this is by reducing the level of uric acid that causes these pains in the body.Jedcorene and pressure
It is not known the effect of Jedcorene on pressure or patients with blood pressure. Therefore, patients with high blood pressure or patients with low blood pressure should consult a doctor before taking Jedcorene.Jedcorene for pregnant women
It is forbidden to take any medication during pregnancy without consulting a doctor, and this is also the case with Jedcorene, because there are no scientific studies that prove its harm to the pregnant woman or the fetus, so you must refer to the doctor first before use.It is preferable not to use it during the first three months of pregnancy.
Jedcorene effervescent and lactation
It is forbidden to take any Jedcorene effervescent medicine for a nursing mother during the breastfeeding period without consulting a doctor, because there is not enough information about the excretion of the drug in the breast milk, which may harm the infant.Jedcorene for children
It is forbidden to use Jedcorene tablets for children, as it is for adults only, and in the event that Jedcorene effervescent is prescribed for children, you must follow the doctor’s instructions and not use it without a doctor’s prescription.Jedcorene damage
Some harm may result from taking Jedcorene, which are:- Digestive disorders and indigestion.
- The appearance of itching and rash.
- heartburn.
- diarrhea.
Jedcorene and gout
Jedcorene is used in the treatment of urinary tract infection and the removal of kidney stones from the body, as well as relieving gout pain by reducing uric acid, which causes gout.Jedcorene is used to relieve gout pain only under the supervision of a doctor.
Jedcorene for burning urine
Excess salts that accumulate in the kidneys or bladder cause many problems, such as burning urine and stones, so Jedcorene is used for burning urineJedcorene effervescent for prostate
Prostate infections are usually chronic, and fatigue from them is repeated again, due to: The presence of a capsule encapsulating the prostate, which prevents the elimination of the microbe that infects the prostate.Therefore, the treatment must be taken for a long period of more than a month. Because the short period of treatment leads to the failure to eliminate the microbe.
One of the drugs that help treat prostate infections is Jedcorene effervescent for the prostate.
Preservation and storage of Jedcorene
Preserve and store Jedcorene at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius.Preserve and store Jedcorene in a dry place away from sunlight.
Keep Jedcorene out of the reach of children.
Check the expiration date on the box before use.
Important Alert
This drug information does not replace a doctor's visit, as it is informative and informative information and is not for prescribing medication to patients, and the site is not responsible for taking medication without referring to a doctor.
(We ask Allah Almighty to grant you a speedy recovery and wellness)
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